API Reference
The Atlas Operations Relay API provides JSON-RPC http and websocket endpoints, respectively for Atlas auctioneers and solvers.
Auctioneers access the http endpoint to submit user operations for propagation to the solver network, and to collect solver operations.
Solvers access the websocket endpoint to stream new user operations and submit their solutions.
Solver JSON RPC Methods
This method subscribes to a particular topic. Notification messages are sent following a successful subscription.
Currently, only the userOperations
topic is available.
Type | Description |
string | The subscription topic. |
Type | Description |
string | A unique subscription ID that will be referenced in every notification messages. |
Notification data is located at params.result
, see an example notification in the below section.
Type | Description |
AuctionData | The new auction data map (see below). |
Name | Type | Description |
auction_id | string | The unique ID for this auction. |
partial_user_operation | PartialUserOperation | The partial user operation map (see below). |
Name | Type | Description |
chainId | string | The chain ID, hex encoded. |
userOpHash | string | The user operation hash. |
to | string | The user operation to field. |
gas | string | The user operation gas field, hex encoded. |
maxFeePerGas | string | The user operation maxFeePerGas field, hex encoded. |
deadline | string | The user operation deadline field, hex encoded. |
dapp | string | The user operation dapp field. |
control | string | The user operation control field. |
hints | []string | An array of hint addresses (optional). |
from | string | The user oepration from field (optional). |
value | string | The user operation value field, hex encoded (optional). |
data | string | The user operation data field (optional). |
The fields hints
and (from, value, data)
are mutually exclusive. Only one or the other can be present.
Example Request
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 1,
"method": "solver_subscribe",
"params": ["userOperations"]
Example Response
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 1,
"result": "5ed17bf8-ed27-4625-97ef-447554594a3c"
Example Notification
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "solver_subscription",
"params": {
"subscription": "5ed17bf8-ed27-4625-97ef-447554594a3c",
"result" : {
"auction_id": "1bc9a4ce-4fcf-4eb1-8632-959e2273953e",
"partial_user_operation": {...}
Submits a solution to the operations-relay.
Type | Description |
SolutionData | The solution data map (see below). |
Name | Type | Description |
auction_id | string | The unique auction ID, received with the user operation notification. |
auction_solution | SolverOperation | The SolverOperation data map (see below). |
Name | Type | Description |
from | string | Solver from field. |
to | string | Solver to field. |
value | string | Solver value field, hex encoded. |
gas | string | Solver gas field, hex encoded. |
maxFeePerGas | string | Solver maxFeePerGas field, hex encoded. |
deadline | string | Solver deadline field, hex encoded. |
solver | string | Solver solver field. |
control | string | Solver control field. |
userOpHash | string | Solver userOpHash field. |
bidToken | string | Solver bidToken field. |
bidAmount | string | Solver bidAmount field, hex encoded. |
data | string | Solver data field. |
signature | string | Solver signature field. |
An empty result on success.
Example Request
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 1,
"method": "solver_submitSolverOperation",
"params": [{
"auction_id": "1bc9a4ce-4fcf-4eb1-8632-959e2273953e",
"auction_solution": {...}
Example Response
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 1,
"result": "null"
Empty result is expected on successfull submission.
Auctioneer JSON RPC Methods
Submit a UserOperation
to the relay for propogation to the solver network.
Name | Type | Description |
userOperation | UserOperationPartial | The UserOperation to submit. |
Type | Description |
auctionId | The auction ID of the resultant auction. |
auctionSecret | An auth secret for retrieving solver operations submitted for this auction. |
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 1,
"method": "relay_userOperation",
"params": [
"chainId": "0x2105",
"userOpHash": "0x21d03d618fa4fb9166ae91f199b774b64390b8bf6ecdd2ae4637096e7b60e5e3",
"to": "0xb25BdDC2180cF83B3ECb1eDE074a177c9C7Acc5f",
"gas": "0x4e20",
"maxFeePerGas": "0x4c4b40",
"deadline": "0x19d8c75",
"dapp": "0x43b4aae0f98fc9ebd86a1e9496cdb9d7208ee55b",
"control": "0x43b4aae0f98fc9ebd86a1e9496cdb9d7208ee55b",
"value": "0x0",
"data": "0x1ad6fbc3",
"from": "0xfc8b8974fc3adb8281a6c4c38d7cc895769a8568",
Example Response
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 1,
"result": {
"auctionId": "abcd12-345678-901234",
"auctionSecret": "12042c-123456-789012"
Retrieve SolverOperation
s for a given auction.
Name | Type | Description |
auctionId | string | The auction ID of the auction to retrieve solver operations for. |
auctionSecret | string | The auth secret for the auction. |
Type | Description |
solverOperations | SolverOperationRaw[] |
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 1,
"method": "relay_solverOperations",
"params": ["abcd12-345678-901234", "12042c-123456-789012"]
Example Response
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 1,
"result": {
"from": "0xfc8b8974fc3adb8281a6c4c38d7cc895769a8568",
"to": "0xb25BdDC2180cF83B3ECb1eDE074a177c9C7Acc5f",
"value": "0x0",
"gas": "0x4e20",
"maxFeePerGas": "0x4c4b40",
"deadline": "0x19d8c75",
"solver": "0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890",
"control": "0x43b4aae0f98fc9ebd86a1e9496cdb9d7208ee55b",
"userOpHash": "0x21d03d618fa4fb9166ae91f199b774b64390b8bf6ecdd2ae4637096e7b60e5e3",
"bidToken": "0x43b4aae0f98fc9ebd86a1e9496cdb9d7208ee55b",
"bidAmount": "0x10",
"data": "0x1ad6fbc311223344",
"signature": "0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890"