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Atlas Getting Started

DAppControl Development

This guide will walk you through the process of setting up and developing a custom DAppControl module using Atlas. By following these steps, you'll create a new project, set up your development environment, and be ready to start building your custom DAppControl implementation.

Atlas DAppControl allows you to create custom logic for handling user operations, solver interactions, and MEV allocation within the Atlas ecosystem. Whether you're building a new DeFi protocol, enhancing an existing one, or creating novel blockchain applications, Atlas DAppControl provides the framework to integrate your project with Atlas's MEV capture and distribution capabilities.


Before you begin, ensure you have the following installed on your system:

  • Git
  • Foundry (includes Forge)

If you haven't installed Foundry yet, please refer to the Foundry installation guide.

Step-by-Step Guide

1. Install Forge

If you haven't already installed Forge, you can do so by installing Foundry:

curl -L | bash

2. Create a New Project Directory

mkdir my-dappmodule-project
cd my-dappmodule-project

3. Initialize Git Repository

git init

4. Initialize the Project with Forge Template

forge init --template .

5. Install Dependencies

forge install

6. Set Up Environment Variables

cp .env.template .env

7. Build the Project

forge build

Next Steps

Congratulations! You've successfully set up a new dappModule project using the Atlas module forge template. Here are some suggested next steps:

  1. Explore the project structure and familiarize yourself with the template files.
  2. Review and customize the src/UniswapV2DAppControl.sol file to implement your specific dappModule logic.
  3. Write tests for your custom logic in the test/ directory.
  4. Use forge test to run your test suite and ensure everything is working as expected.
  5. Start developing your dappModule features and integrating with the Atlas ecosystem.

Developing Your DApp Module

Now that you have set up your project, it's time to start developing your custom DApp module. For a comprehensive guide on how to implement the required functions, understand the DApp module structure, and integrate with the Atlas Protocol, please refer to our DApp Module Development Guide.

This guide will walk you through:

  • Understanding the DApp module hierarchy
  • Implementing required hook functions
  • Customizing public view functions
  • Best practices for DApp module development
  • Testing and deploying your module

By following the Module Development Guide, you'll be able to create a fully functional and compliant DApp module that integrates seamlessly with the Atlas Protocol.

For more detailed information on working with Atlas and developing dappModules, please refer to the other guides and API documentation in this documentation suite.